iswxapp = false; $(function () { show_confirm('.btn-confirm'); $('.control-label.must').each(function () { $(this).append('*'); }); $('#showmenu, .backdrop').click(function () { if($('.navbar-nav').is(':visible')){ $('.navbar-nav').fadeOut(); $('.backdrop').fadeOut(); }else{ $('.navbar-nav').fadeIn(); $('.backdrop').fadeIn(); } }); }); //腾讯地图开始 var qqmap_mylocation = ''; /*使用location打开地图*/ function openMap(){ if(iswxapp == true){ openWxappMap(); return; }else{ //window.location.href = "" + qqmap_location + "&title=" + qqmap_name + "&content=" + qqmap_address + "&zoom=13&output=html" } var options = {timeout: 2000}; if(isweixin){ geolocation.getLocation(showPosition, showErr, options); //geolocation.getIpLocation(showPosition, showErr); }else{ geolocation.getLocation(showPosition, showErr, options); } } //调用小程序地图 function openWxappMap(){ path = '/pages/maps/index?name='+ qqmap_name +'&address='+ qqmap_address +'&location='+ qqmap_location; //path = '/pages/index/index?name='+ qqmap_name +'&address='+ qqmap_address +'&location='+ qqmap_location; window.wx.miniProgram.navigateTo({ url: path }) } //window.location.href = $url; function showPosition(position) { qqmap_mylocation = +','+ position.lng; if(qqmap_mylocation != ''){ $url = '//'+ qqmap_mylocation +'&to=' + qqmap_name + '&tocoord=' + qqmap_location + '&policy=1&referer='+ qqmap_appkey; window.location.href = $url; } }; function showErr(e) { alert('获取位置失败!'); }; //腾讯地图结束 /*预览指定链接图片*/ function imageView(that){ if(ismobile == false){ $.getJSON($(that).attr('data-thumbs'), function(json){ if( == 0) return false;{ photos: json //格式见API文档手册页 ,anim: 5 //0-6的选择,指定弹出图片动画类型,默认随机 }); }); }else{ window.location.href = $(that).attr('data-thumbs'); } } /*当前图片预览*/ function imageBig(that) { let data = {"status":1,"msg":"","start":0,"data":[{"src":$(that).attr('src'),"thumb":"","pid":0,"alt":""}]};{ photos: data ,anim: 5 }); } /* ajax_iframe */ function ajax_iframe(title, url, width, height, isfull) { width = width || 700; height = height || 450; isfull = isfull || 0; if($(window).width() <= width || $(window).height() <= height) isfull = 1; if($(window).width() < 500) isfull = 1; width = width > 1 ? 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